Name : Dora-the-kid. Also known as Dora za kitsudo (ドラ・ザ・キッド)
He is good at quick shooting, but he has a fear of heights (acrophobia). He works for a sheriff's deputy in the 19th-century USA.Dora-the-Kid's weapon of choice is the Air Gun, which appears to be the front muzzle of a giant revolver that is equipped onto Dora-the-Kid's arm (He has no fingers to fire a regular pistol). The Air Gun shoots out a big blast of air that can knock down anyone that gets hit. His variation of Doraemon's four-dimensional Pocket is the four-dimensional hat that Dora-the-Kid wears on his head. His girlfriend happens to be Dorami-chan, Doraemon's younger sister. His only rival at shooting is Nobita. Enjoys his dorayaki with ketchup and mustard on it.
Name : Wang Dora. Also known as Wan Dora or Dora Wan (王ドラ) .
He is the smartest among the Doraemons and is a master of kung fu. He studies medicene in the Qing Dynasty, China while he works for an assistant of a doctor of Chinese medicene. He has a girlfriend, Mimiko, who is a nurse. In one of The Doraemons' manga shots introducing Wang Dora, he attempted to do Chun-Li's (from Street Fighter) Spinning Bird Kick (a move where the user would spin upside-down with his legs open to kick away his opponent in a fight), only to find it ineffective because Wang Dora's legs are too short. Wang Dora's variation of the four-dimensional pocket are his four-dimensional sleeves on his shirt. He has one weakness omen. Enjoys his dorayaki with soy sauce.
Name : Dora-med III. In some book he was called Dora Metsudo.(ドラメッドⅢ世)
He wears Arabian clothes and forecasts from the tarot. He lives in the , because he is hydrophobic. Needless to say, he can't swim. He is also quite proficient in magic and the black arts. His dream is to open a "Water Land" theme park for children who live in desert regions. When he gets angry, he grows several times his size (proportional to how angry he is,) becoming a giant. Dora-Med III's variation of the four-dimensional pocket is his four-dimensional magic lamp . Enjoys dry dorayaki—again, due to his hydrophobia
Name : Dora-nichov. Also known as Dora Nikofu (ドラニコフ,).
He is taciturn (and can only communicate with growls, etc) and is extremely sensitive to the cold. He transforms himself into a wolf if he looks at something that looks like the sun; in this form he can attack enemies by biting or simply wreaking havoc, etc. In the short "The Doraemons" anime that introduced Dora-nichov he tried to cover his eyes with his hands to avoid looking at anything round, only to transform, because his hands are also round! He is able to blow fire out of his mouth by taking something hot like Tabasco. He lives in Russia. Dora-nichov uses the four-dimensional scarf covering his face as an alternative to the four dimensional pocket. He usually doesn't eat dorayaki in front of others, because the round snack would let him transform, wreaking havoc, so it is unknown what his favorite kind of seasoning is.
Name : Dora-rinho. Also known as Dora Rinyo (ドラリーニョ).
He is very quick, but forgetful. He lives in . He spends days in playing Association Football with a Brazilian boy, Nobinho (ノビーニョ,Nobīnyo), and the Mini-Doras. The Mini-Doras each have a miniature version of Doraemon's four-dimensional pocket that Dora-rinho could take gadgets from, though the gadgets are equally as small as the Mini-Doras. He can attack enemies by kicking soccer balls at them. He is a friend of Nobininyo, Nobita Brazilian counterpart. He enjoys dorayaki with tabasco.
Name : El Matadora. Also known as Eru Matadora (エル・マタドーラ).But if its in malay it was called Dora Eru Mata.
He is very strong. He likes napping (siesta). He lives in the 17th-century Spain. He disguises himself by working for a dishwasher in a butcher's in the day, but his real job is to save the poor. He can transform into another form—Keikai-Dora. Keikai-Dora, an alter-go that is a parody of Zorro (Though this form isn't much different from his original appearance, except with his Magic Cloak pulled over the top of his head). Like Zorro, El Matadora in this form either leaves a "D" mark on his opponents' clothes during a sword fight or cuts off bad guys' pants. His dream is to be a matador El Matadora is the only other Doraemon (other than Doraemon himself) to use the four-dimensional pocket. He likes dorayaki with spaghetti sauce. His Magic Cloak which can blow enemies away or deflect bullets, etc. His current crush is Karuming. His boss daughter.
Name : Doraemon (ドラえもん).
The nicest and most friendliest member of The Doraemons.He has the tendency to panic during emergencies, characterized by him frantically trying to pull out a very much-needed tool from his pocket, only to produce a huge assortment of unrelated household items. Most afraid of mice and cold whether. Currently living with Nobita's familyin Japan and his job is to take care of Nobita. He have a girlfriend named Mimichan who lives in the 22nd century. His four-dimensional pocket is just in front of his body.Enjoys his dorayaki plain.
They are tightly united by a card called Shin'yū Tereka (close friend telepathy card). They can call each other with the card everywhere and every time.